Anti Aging – In Mode Forma Skin Tightening

inmode forma

Anti Aging – In Mode Forma Skin Tightening

Inmode is the first non-ablative laser skin tightening treatment and is used to reduce wrinkles and lines, using safe, non-invasive techniques. Inmode is an ideal, safe and effective method to tighten and firm the skin, with no use of tiny needles or traditional incisions. Inmode accomplishes effective, youth restoring rejuvenation by emitting targeted, high-frequency radio waves into the epidermis. These waves encourage the cells to produce collagen, creating a more youthful texture and tone. This treatment also increases the production of new skin cells, making the epidermis stronger and more resilient.

Unlike traditional laser treatments, inmode has no downtime and is very minimally invasive. The treatment only takes a few minutes and there is no pain, irritation or scaring caused by the procedure. The redness associated with wrinkles and fine lines is minimized during this procedure, as well as any swelling or redness caused by minor irregularities in the skin. The effect lasts for several weeks after treatment and the final result is a more even, smoother and younger-looking appearance. Since the application of the radio waves generates high frequency radio waves, no post-surgery discomfort is experienced and no post-operative inflammation or discoloration is caused.

This safe and non-invasive technique has the potential to reverse and prevent many age related problems, such as sagging, loose skin, uneven skin tone, sagging necklines and general loose, limp skin. The treatment also allows the skin to retain the natural, youthful volume that it is supposed to keep, even as you age. Unlike traditional collagen injections, using node forma does not require any needles or tiny incisions and is much less painful than traditional collagen injections. Inmode can be used on patients with all skin types and all skin colors, looking for the results they desire in the quickest amount of time possible. The skin will look tighter and have a smooth and firm appearance, even after only one treatment.