Cellulite Treatment Options And Non-Surgical Body Contouring Procedures

fat reduction

Cellulite Treatment Options And Non-Surgical Body Contouring Procedures

What is the best fat reduction method for you? You must consider your overall health as well as your current state of physical fitness, if you are seriously interested in fat loss surgery. If you have diabetes, high blood pressure or have a heart condition, then pre-existing medical conditions may disqualify you from some procedures. However, even those people who are perfectly healthy may be limited in their exercise habits, due to both health and financial reasons, making fat loss surgery an attractive option. Fat reduction is often compared to weight loss and many people view weight loss and body transformation (including fat reduction) as being synonymous, but the fact is that there are several distinctions among these two processes.

Nonsurgical fat reduction usually makes use of various forms of modern medicine, such as ultrasound, laser, radio frequency, heat and even injectable drugs. The typical nonsurgical treatment plan includes fasting periods, exercise routines combined with dietary and lifestyle changes, before the process of fat reduction is considered. Surgical fat reduction, by contrast, makes use of several types of surgery, which involves the use of various instruments that are used to reduce fat cells surgically from the body. For instance, liposuction requires general anesthesia and uses suction to remove fat cells from the body. Tumescent liposuction is less invasive than traditional liposuction and requires a shorter recovery period, although it does not offer as much immediate results.

In some cases, non-surgical body contouring treatments may help to eliminate or significantly reduce unsightly cellulite in the thighs, stomach area and buttocks. Cellulite is caused by hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance or excess water retention, and can manifest as dimply and unevenly pitted skin or as stretch marks, particularly in women. Because many people believe that fat reduction only works for overweight individuals, many people afflicted by unsightly cellulite turn to non-surgical treatments to eliminate the problem.