Dealing With Eczema in Infants


Dealing With Eczema in Infants

Atopic eczema is a chronic condition that makes the skin very itchy and reddened. It is most common in kids but can also occur at any age due to heredity. Atopic eczema usually lasts longer and tends to flare up periodically. It can be accompanied by allergic asthma or rhinitis.

Most people who have atopic dermatitis and allergic asthma are prescribed drugs to control their symptoms and prevent relapses. But for many, these drugs can have negative side effects. Eczema medications such as steroid creams can dry out the skin and make it itchy even more. Corticosteroids are proven to cause birth defects. Corticosteroids cannot reach inside the lungs, so they are ineffective in relieving symptoms of eczema and hay fever.

Eczema is caused by allergies to certain substances and irritants. Allergens are either inhaled or ingested. When allergic reactions arise, fluid leaks into the blood stream and the immune system reacts by releasing chemicals called immunoglobulin to fight it off. Eczema is different from other types of skin conditions because it is not caused by an internal infection like acne, rashes, or warts are. Instead, eczema is caused by allergic reactions to environmental factors such as molds, pollens, animal dander, and other irritants.

Eczema in infants can be difficult to treat as the condition worsens and becomes more resistant to medication. However, the sooner the treatment starts, the better for the baby. It is best to start treating eczema in infants following atopic dermatitis symptoms rather than when the condition worsens. If the symptoms of eczema worsen following atopic dermatitis symptoms, the baby should be taken immediately to a doctor for proper diagnosis and to prevent further complications.

Eczema in infants can be diagnosed with the help of a skin biopsy, which is usually done on the skin under the eyelid, in the upper thigh, or on the lower back. A health professional will take a sample of the patient’s skin in order to make a medical examination. Using special instruments, biopsies can reveal identifying factors for each individual patient. Once identified, eczema can be treated using topical and oral medications as well as a change in diet. If the skin condition worsens, more surgery may be required to repair damage done by the irritants.

Eczema in infants may also be treated with natural methods, which should be considered if the condition does not respond well to conventional medications. Diet changes including reducing allergens can help to alleviate the symptoms of eczema. Oatmeal baths, gentle steam treatments, and humidifiers may also help to moisturize dry skin and reduce itchiness. Allergens can trigger the immune system to produce an excess of skin oils, which can lead to this condition so it is important to avoid allergens like pollen, dust mites, and food allergies.