Laser Hair Removal: What Does it Entail?

Laser hair removal has become an increasingly popular method of removing unwanted body hair. It is relatively painless, permanent, and efficient and can be used on many parts of the body. Many people believe that laser hair removal (also known as photorejuvenation or photosensitization) is a very effective way to remove unwanted body hair and that they will never have to go through the hassle of plucking or waxing again. However, there are a few disadvantages that people should be aware of before committing to this treatment option.

laser hair removal

First, because it is a painless procedure, people are often willing to try anything in order to rid themselves of unsightly body hair. In the past, most patients were satisfied with the level of pain they experienced during laser hair removal treatments. But, in recent years, more people have experienced side effects that can include blistering, soreness, skin discoloration, swelling, and even allergic reactions. These side effects can range from uncomfortable to serious and are commonly associated with several types of medical specialist treatments including:

Other commonly experienced side effects include temporary reddening, skin discoloration, dry skin, mild rashes, scabs, swelling, itching, and burning. There have been reports of permanent discoloration, though these typically occur after several sessions. This is a common complication with this treatment and one that many patients share. Also, because laser hair removal treatments are done gradually over time, it may take several months before noticeable changes are apparent. So, while this treatment is relatively effective, those who have sensitive skin may want to wait until their skin has healed before undergoing a laser treatment.

Another thing patients are happy to know about laser hair removal treatments is that it is not usually covered by insurance. The reason for this is that the treatments are typically not necessary for this type of treatment since the sessions only require about fifteen minutes each session. If you are interested in trying this treatment but do not have insurance, or if you are not able to find a doctor who will perform the treatment, you are still likely to be pleased with the results. You should note, however, that you will likely have to pay for the sessions out of pocket, although most offices will offer payment plans and financing options to their patients.

In terms of your recovery time, it will typically take you between one and six weeks to notice any changes in your appearance. During this time, you should ensure that you keep yourself well groomed so that you do not have to endure the pain of shaving every single day. Also, while the treatments do not take away your natural hair, they will take away the dead skin that can build up during the days and months following your laser hair removal sessions. Again, this can take a few months but it can be worth the wait if you are truly tired of shaving.

Another thing that you will want to keep in mind is the fact that numbing agents are used during the treatments. Therefore, you should make sure that you are completely numbed before your doctor allows you to start. This means that you should use ice and/or a heating pad to keep your skin numb until the numbing gel has been applied. You can also purchase numbing gels at many over-the-counter pharmacies and even at some convenience stores. When it comes to numbing agents, it may take several uses for your skin to become accustomed to the feeling of having your skin numbed but it is important for you to make sure that you are comfortable with the process before you proceed.