What is the Scultpra Treatment For Wrinkles?


What is the Scultpra Treatment For Wrinkles?

Scultpra is one of the top ten selling cosmetic formulas in the world. It’s a product that should be in every woman’s beauty arsenal. That’s because it is effective at both smoothing and firming the skin. The problem with most other products, however, is that they do not contain ingredients that will moisturize and rejuvenate your skin in any meaningful way. The other issue is that their main ingredient is primarily composed of a synthetic compound, which is neither suitable for long-term use, nor does it provide you with the nutrients your skin needs.

Sculptra, Chinese for “micellar formula,” is a proprietary blend of poly-L-glucosamine and other building blocks of hyaluronic acid, which is an FDA-approved skin moisturizing agent. Unlike products that contain only collagen, DMAE, or hyaluronic acid, Sculptra also contains an assortment of other compounds that promote collagen growth, improve fluid circulation, and enhance skin tone. In fact, it is the primary ingredient in the line of skin care products developed by a company based in New Zealand.

One of the primary reasons why people develop collagen and elastin deficiencies is because they stop producing them naturally as we get older. Other contributing factors are traumatic events such as burns and surgery, exposure to toxins, smoking, pollution, and inadequate nutrition. By preventing our bodies from producing new collagen and elastin, these deficiencies cause the lines and wrinkles to form earlier on in our lives. Since there is no way for us to boost the levels of these tissues, we need to replenish them through the products we apply to our faces. The manufacturers of Sculptra realize this and have incorporated several plant extracts into their formula.

Besides introducing collagen and elastin through an enteric coating, Sculptra also aids in stimulating skin cells and improving skin tone and elasticity. Because its hyaluronic acid molecules are identical to the skin’s own, this compound provides a protective barrier against harmful UV rays, preventing them from damaging your skin. In addition, it moisturizes the skin, while increasing skin moisture retention and softness.

Most other formulas on the market don’t offer you anything except for collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, with very little in the way of anything else. These ingredients will not do anything to help you look younger, and in some cases they can even damage your skin. When you use Sculptra, you receive a formula with multiple beneficial ingredients working together for complete skin rejuvenation. This means you’ll look fantastic without spending a fortune.

There is a reason why Sculptra is the leading anti-aging skin care product on the market. It is the only one featuring breakthrough new ingredients like CynergyTK and Nano-Lipobelle H EQ10. These compounds have been proven to dramatically increase the amount of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid your body produces. You’ll be amazed at how much more you will see with regular use of these formulas. Give Sculptra a try, and you’ll be glad you did.